Community Partnerships
Alness & District Churches Collective
Alness Baptist values its role within the
Alness & District Churches Collective.
Which seek to bring the gospel centered, evangelical churches in the town together for events.
These include
Community Carol Service, Good Friday Joint Communion Service, Summer Hymn Sing, State or Civic Services.
We also hold a joint monthly prayer breakfast which alternates around the churches on the last Saturday Morning of each month.
Community Food Larder
Alness Baptist Church partner with the Alness Partnership to help facilitate and host the Community Food Larder in Alness' Westend
The Community Food Larder is open to anyone who could benefit from help with food, kindness and signposting towards services in order to help and support
We are open to the public every Friday from 10am - 12 Noon and you do not need a referral.